A Million Women Rally

Ladies! Join us for a powerful, empowering night on August 2nd at Hope Church! The Lord is summoning A Million Women, Esthers, young and old… don’t miss out.

Have you been burdened by what you see taking place in our nation? Have you wished there was something you could do to bring change, but not sure what? We see examples throughout scripture and specifically within the story of Esther. The answer was a mobilization of prayer/fasting, along with an action step. We believe the Lord is summoning A Million Women, Esthers, young and old, with their husbands and children to gather at the Washington DC Mall on October 12, the Day of Atonement, in a LAST STAND moment for America.

Ladies from ALL over the globe are making plans to join in prayer. As you know, our nation has hit an all-time moral decline and desperately needs an Awakening. We read in the book of Esther that desperate times call for desperate prayer and action, so that’s what we are rallying to do! In preparation for this historic day, we are holding “pre-rallies” all throughout the United States. This one is HERE in Springfield, Missouri. Will you gather ALL the ladies you know and meet us this night to hear more about this initiative and be inspired right where you are to join A Million Women in prayer on October 12th? The King has summoned YOU for Such A Time As This!

Nonda Houston, Trisha Oden, and Lu Batchman are partnering together for this night, expecting God to touch the ladies, empower their voices, and break off anything that hinders them from walking in their purpose and calling!

*Space is limited, so register today!

Vickie Melton